Taiji Legacy
is hosted by
USA Chin Woo Federation


* Taiji Legacy reserves the right to change circumstantial rules (ie. number of judges,…) in the event that circumstances require a deviation from the rules stated below. *

TABLE OF CONTENTS (click on the heading for details)
Time Limits Traditional & Modern Wushu Forms
All Tai Chi forms (includes 24, 48, & combined 72)
Other Internal & External Forms
Musical Group Events
Wing Chun Wooden Dummy
Overall Grand Champion Finals Events
Reaction skills
General Rules Dress Code
Southern Shorthand forms
Reaction Skills
Restricted-Step Push Hands Attack areas
• Stepping
• Violations
• Errors
• Disqualifications
Moving Push Hands  
Point Sparring  
Continuous Sparring Break Warnings
Legal contact areas
Illegal targets
Illegal techniques
Wing Chun Wooden Dummy Forms  
Weapons Sparring  
Shaui Chiao  
Chi Sau  
San Shou Fighting  
Musical Group Events  



Traditional & Modern Wushu Forms
• 30 sec minimum (45 sec - Advanced levels)
• 2 min maximum

All Tai Chi forms (includes 24, 48, & combined 72)
• 3 min minimum
• 3 min 30 sec maximum
(42 Step competitors must do complete form - between 5-6min)

Tai Chi Sword and Other Internal Weapons (wooden swords are allowed if 1lb or more)
• 1 min 30 sec minimum
• 3 min 30 sec maximum

Other Internal & External Forms
• 45 sec minimum
• 2 min 30 sec maximum

Musical Group Events:
1 min 30 sec minimum, 5 min maximum (Taiji Form & Taiji Weapon)
45 sec minimum, 2 min maximum (Other Forms & Weapons: Internal, External, Wushu)

Wing Chun Wooden Dummy:
2 min max (Intermediate); 2 min 30 sec max (Advanced)

Overall Grand Champion Finals Events:
3 min minimum, 5 min maximum (Internal)
45 sec minimum, 2 min maximum (External)

For Tai Chi, Internal forms, and Musical group events, the competitor will be given an audible signal before the last 30 sec of the time limit. The competitor will then have the remaining 30 sec to complete the form.

For all forms competition, point deductions of one-tenth point will be taken for each 5 sec interval outside the time limit.

Reaction skills:
• Restricted-Step Push Hands - two 60 sec rounds with a 15 sec break in between rounds
• Moving Push Hands - one round of 90 sec PUSHING TIME
• Point Sparring - one round of 90 sec.
• Continuous Sparring - two 30 sec rounds of continuous light-contact sparring
• Weapons Sparring - two 60 sec rounds with a 1 min rest period in between rounds
• Shuai Chiao - three 2 min rounds with a 1 min rest period in between rounds
• Chi Sau - two 90 sec rounds, with a 30 sec rest period in between rounds
• San Shou - three 2 min rounds, with a 1 min rest period in between rounds

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Dress Code:
The Taiji Legacy is a formal event. All competitors are required to dress appropriately. Competitors may wear traditional Chinese martial arts uniforms (preferred), or pants appropriate for the Chinese martial arts plus a school T-shirt or an event T-shirt. The competition committee reserves the right to make the final judgements on appropriate attire. Karate-type Gi’s are NOT considered appropriate, and are not permitted. Shoes are mandatory for all events, except for light contact sparring and Shuai Chiao. All shoes should be regular athletic type shoes. No regular street-type shoes are permitted.

All competitors will be called to the ring at least 10 minutes before the beginning of the event. If a competitor should have an obligation in another ring, he or she must at this time tell ring official/chief judge so they can readjust the competing order to accomodate the competing obligations.

When the official sees that all is ready, he or she will call the first competitor and announce for the next 2 competitors to prepare. When the competitors name is called to compete, he/she will approach the ring and salute to the main official and wait for permission/signal from the ring-official/chief judge to begin. Judges will be observing as soon as the competitor’s name is called.

Upon receiving the signal to begin from the ring-official/chief judge , the competitor will walk to the starting position within the ring. At no point should the competitor speak with any judge or official. This should be done before the event begins. Once the beginning position is found, the competitor will stand perfectly still at attention, showing judges and timekeepers that the form is ready to begin. The time clock will begin at the first sign of movement from this attention position. The time clock will stop when the form is finished and the competitor returns to a stationary and relaxed position. Upon completion, the competitor will again walk to the same place he/she entered the ring and face the judges and officials once again at attention. At this time, the score for the competitor will be given.
After receiving his/her final score, the competitor will acknowledge the score by saluting the ring official/chief judge. Only now is the competitor finished with his/her form and may leave the ring area.

Scoring will be based on performance & level by individual judges. The ranges for levels are as follows:

• beginner: 6.5 - 7.5
• intermediate: 7.5 - 8.5
• advanced: 8.5 - 9.5
• very advanced: 9.5 - 9.99

5 scores will be given in which the highest and lowest score will be dropped to calculate the final score. In the event of a tie score, all 5 scores will be utilized. In case of another tie, both athletes shall receive the same awards.

All awards for competition will be given immediately upon completion of each event. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place medals will be awarded to the top 3 competitors of each event in the General Competition. Two 3rd place rankings will be awarded in all Reaction Skills events. All first time competitors will receive only 1 award and a certificate for the one or two events they compete in. Grand Champion Awards will be given at the conclusion of the tournament. The criteria for Grand Champion awards are listed in the information packet.

Any performer may begin his or her form again, without penalty, should that competitor be interrupted by uncontrollable circumstances. Re-performing due to forgetfulness, broken weapons, etc. will be permitted with a full ½ point deduction from the total score. This will not be permitted more than once.

Southern Shorthand forms would consist of the following:
Southern Mantis, White Eyebrow, 5 Ancestors System, Southern Dragon System, & Six Elbows Southern Longhand forms would consist of the following: Hung Gar, Fut Gar, Jow Gar, and Choy Lay Fut

Reaction Skills:
Reaction Skill events include Stationary Push Hands, Moving Push Hands, Continuous Sparring, Shuai Chiao, Chi Sau, Weapons Sparring, & San Shou. Nearly all reaction events have listed some sort of protective gear, some mandatory, some optional. All competitors are responsible for their own protective equipment unless otherwise mentioned.

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All push hands competitors must wear short-sleeved shirts. One match consists of two 60 second rounds with a 15 second break in between rounds. Opponents face each other and each places their foot on the center mark. When prepared to begin, they make contact with the back of the right or left wrist. The referee gives the command to begin at which time the competitors are required to perform a minimum of 2 revolutions before initiating any techniques. Time is suspended while the referee calls for a point and verification and announces their decision and for consultation or emergency situations. Points are awarded to the competitor whose opponent has made an error or committed a personal violation or a serious personal violation. Points may be awarded for technical violations.

Attack areas:
Attacks may be made within restricted areas of the body: from below the base of the neck to above the coccyx or bladder area. Pushing the neck, head, bladder area, hip joint, or leg is illegal.

Competitors may take a step or steps forward or backward, with either the front or the back foot, but may not reverse the stance, i.e., the front foot must stay forward. Competitors must keep to the orientation of the center line; they may not step to the side to defend or to gain an advantage in pushing.

Points are awarded to the opponent of the competitor who committed the violation. However, the opponent will receive 2 pts if one commits a serious personal violation. Disqualification may be enforced for one serious violation and must be disqualified for 2 serious violations. The referee in consultation with the judges may disqualify a competitor.

Loss of balance and endangering oneself.

Personal Violations Serious Personal Violations
1. Using techniques excessive in strength 1. Striking, hitting, punching
2. Grabbing the opponent’s clothes 2. Using the head to attack
3. Double grabbing (gripping with both hands) 3. Using the legs, knees, or feet to attack
4. Holding on to prevent loss of balance. 4. Twisting the joints (grappling or chin na)
5. Attacking an illegal target area 5. Using pressure points
6. Reversing the stance to gain advantage 6. Pulling hair or beard
7. Attacking the groin area .
8. Using any technique determined to cause injury

Technical Violations
1. Not following instructions of the referee 9. Unsportsman-like conduct
2. Not completing the mandatory revolutions
3. Receiving coaching during the round

Points are awarded to the opponent of the competitor who commited the violation. However, the opponent will receive 2 points if one commits a serious personal violation as listed above.

Competitors may be disqualified for one serious violation and must be disqualified for 2 serious violations. A competitor may also be disqualified by the referee in consultation with the judges.

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The competition area will consist of 2 circles. The inner circle will be 15 feet in diameter while the outer circle will be 21 feet in diameter. Marks in the center of the circles will indicate the starting point, which will be the same as for the restricted step push hands.

After 3 revolutions with the hands, each competitor may begin moving and proceed until told to stop by the referee.

There will be one round of 90 seconds PUSHING TIME. The clock will stop whenever the referee stops to obtain scoring from the judges.

Score will be awarded based upon infractions or mistakes from an opponent. Points will be awarded for the same infractions as with the restricted step push hands except, of course, competitors are now allowed to move at will.

1 point

Awarded when one’s opponent loses balance, uses excessive force, forcefully holds on, double grabbing and all other infractions listed in the restricted step push hands.

The referees and judges shall especially watch out for holding. In addition, points are also awarded when one’s opponent steps or is forced out of the circles.

2 points Awarded when the opponent steps ON or outside the inner circle.
3 points Awarded when ANY part of the body touches or falls outside these circles.

The same scoring procedure as for the restricted step push hands shall be used. As with restricted step regulations, the referee shall stop the match upon seeing struggling by both competitors and no points are awarded.

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Protection must be used for the head, hands, mouth, groin, shin, and feet. Head gear must cover the side, top, and back of the head. Face grills are permitted and optional. Gloves must not expose the fingers. Feet and shin pads may be foam-dipped or the pull-over instep/shin socks.

Divisions will be determined on the day of the competition. Fighting time and the clock will stop as dictated by the referee. All bouts will be 1 ½ minutes. Fighting will stop when valid techniques strike a legal contact area. Points will be awarded by majority vote of the judges. The first competitor to score 5 pts wins or 3 points spread wins. At the end of the 1 1/2 minutes, if the match is tied, the match will continue until the first competitor to score a point will be the winner. The following actions are not acceptable and will either result in a break, warning, or disqualification:

Break Warning
1. Head contact that may cause injury 1. Illegal techniques
2. Controlled, non-contact technique scored on the back 2. Contact to a non-contact area
3. One or both competitors goes to the floor 3. Excessive force (w/out malice or intent)
4. When any judge calls a foul 4. Failure to break on the call

1. If an injury occurs to an opponent as a result of a foul
2. Accumulating 4 warnings
3. Running out of the ring, second offense
4. Repeated and deliberately exposing of a foul area

Immediate Disqualification
1. Deliberate excessive force/intent to injure
2. Deliberate fouling
3. Rude or belligerent behavior
4. Use of objectionable or abusive language by a competitor or by their school

Legal contact areas:
Torso (front part, outside of thigh, outside of leg, entire arm, and front and side of head gear)

Illegal targets
1. Back and top of the head
2. Spine
3. Neck and throat
4. Entire knee and knee joint
5. Groin the leg only
6. Inside of thigh
7. Shin, other than to check

Illegal techniques
1. Knee strikes
2. Elbow strikes
3. Finger strikes
4. Take-downs or throws
5. Joint locking or breaking attempts
6. Head butts
7. Biting
8. Floor or ground fighting
9. Groin Strikes
10. Open hand strikes to the face
11. Sweeps to the opponent's back leg or sweeps that attempt both legs of an opponent.
12. Dangerous blind attempts at spinning hand or foot strikes.

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Protection must be used for the head, hands, mouth, groin, shin, and feet. Head gear must cover the side, top, and back of the head. Face grills are permitted and optional. Gloves must not expose the fingers. Feet and shin pads may be foam-dipped or the pull-over instep/shin socks.

Divisions will be determined on the day of the competition. All bouts will be 30 seconds. Fighting time and the clock will stop as dictated by the referee. The best of three – 30 second rounds of continuous light-contact sparring will be the winner. The winner is declared by a majority vote by the referee and two judges for each 30-second round. Winner of the first 2 rounds wins the fight. The following actions are not acceptable and will either result in a break, warning, or disqualification:

Break Warning
1. Head contact that may cause injury 1. Illegal techniques
2. Controlled, non-contact technique scored on the back 2. Contact to a non-contact area
3. Competitor scores 3, quick, unanswered techniques to the opponent 3. Excessive force (w/out malice or intent)
4. One or both competitors goes to the floor 4. Failure to break on the call
5. When any judge calls a fouL .

Disqualification Immediate Disqualification
1. If an injury occurs to an opponent as a result of a foul
2. Accumulating 4 warnings
3. Running out of the ring, second offense
4. Repeated and deliberately exposing of a foul area
1. Deliberate excessive force/intent to injure
2. Deliberate fouling
3. Rude or belligerent behavior
4. Use of objectionable or abusive language by a competitor or by their school

Legal contact areas:
Torso (front part, outside of thigh, outside of leg, entire arm, and front and side of head gear)

Illegal targets
1. Back and top of the head
2. Spine
3. Neck and throat
4. Entire knee and knee joint
5. Groin the leg only
6. Inside of thigh
7. Shin, other than to check

Illegal techniques
1. Knee strikes 8. Floor or ground fighting
2. Elbow strikes 9. Groin Strikes
3. Finger strikes 10. Open hand strikes to the face
4. Take-downs or throws 11. Sweeps to the opponent’s back leg or sweeps that attempt both legs of an
5. Joint locking or breaking attempts opponent.
6. Head butts 12. Dangerous blind attempts at spinning hand or foot strikes.
7. Biting

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Only Intermediate and advanced divisions. Intermediate competitors are to perform the first 4 sections. Advanced competitors are to perform the complete set. Time limits are: 2 min max for Intermediate & 2 min 30 sec max for Advanced. Judges will be looking for attributes including but not limited to proper body structure during execution of techniques, appropriate generation of power, and suitable rhythm when executing sequences.

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Eye, head, and groin protection is required. Each match will consist of the best of three - 60 second rounds with a 1 minute rest period in between. The referee will call for break after each point made by either competitor. Only vital thrusts and cuts are counted. A cut to a vital or non-vital point is one which the last 6 inches of the blade is clearly drawn across the target area. Thrusts are considered when the point of the blade makes solid contact, indicating penetration, with the head, body, or limbs. A hit occurs when the pommel is used to strike the limbs, head, or body that could disable in a real situation.


0.5 point Arms and legs are non-vital areas
1 point Head and body are vital
2 points Disarming and striking a vital target in one continuous motion
  No strikes are allowed to the throat or groin areas

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The competition area will be covered by a judo-style or wrestling mat, affixed such that sections will not separate. All competitors must wear a traditional Shuai Chiao uniform. All Males are required to wear a protective groin cup. Mouthguards are recommended, but not required. Glasses and contact lenses are not allowed.

Each bout shall consist of 3 rounds, each of which shall last a maximum of 2 minutes with 1 minute rest between them. The round starts when the referee gives the signal and stops each time he/she indicates verbally and with the proper signal. The timekeeper will signal with an audible bell, buzzer, or whistle when 30 seconds are left in the round and when time expires in each round.

The result of a match will be determined by the first competitor to score 2 points or by the highest score at the end of 3 rounds, tie break, decision, disqualification, or by a foul imposed upon one contestant. The points awarded will be based on the general Shuai Chiao rules and regulations.

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The Chi Sau matches will consist of three rounds, the first two being 45 seconds and the third being 60 seconds (intermediate division) or 120 seconds (advanced division), with a 30 second rest period in between rounds. No long-sleeved shirts or short pants will be permitted. Competitors will not be allowed to wear any objects (including jewelry) that may cause injury to themselves or to their opponents. Fingernails must be clipped as short as possible, and will be inspected by the officials. A mouthpiece and groin protector will be required. Head gear is mandatory in the third round for advanced divisions; hand and foot gear will not be required. The competition area will be a square space measuring 9' x 9', enclosed and divided into two halves by tape.

Match Rules:
Judges will be looking for a continuous exchange of discernible techniques, with an emphasis on adherence or "sticking". This is to be distinguished from wrestling, shoving, and boxing. In the first two rounds, techniques must be directed to the chest region with at least one hand in contact with the opponent's arm. In the third round, techniques are allowed to be aimed at the head with (intermediate) no contact or (advanced) light-contact. Competitors should display good "bridging" skills. Points are
awarded for proper, legal technical contact. Points will be deducted from a competitor that makes an error or commits a personal violation.

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Sanctioned by: The USA Traditional Kung Fu WuShu Federation

Statement of purpose:
Sanda competition at the amateur and semi-pro levels require a special set of guidelines and rules designed for the protection of the athletes, while at the same time allowing for a multitude of Chinese Martial Arts techniques.

Officials: Chief Referee, Center Referee and Side Judges.

Athletes: 18-35 yrs. (16 yrs. w/written permission from a parent or guarding) must be in excellent health and good conditioning, free of previous and disqualifying injuries, free of life threatening and transmittable diseases. All athletes must have proof of medical insurance and sign the Tournament Director/Promoter's waiver form.

Matches: Amateur events are best-of three 2-minute rounds w/1-minute rest periods. Semi-pro events are best-of five 2-minute rounds w/1-minute rest periods. Matches will be arranged according to a drawing unless coaches agree on a fair substitute procedure. When feasible, Athletes with winning records can be bracketed separate from Amateurs into a Semi-pro Division. The results from both the Amateur and Semi-pro Divisions will be sent to the major Kung Fu periodicals.

Scoring and techniques that score: Side Judges or the Chief Referee will score each round and identify the winner using the 10-MUST System. The Chief Referee will declare winner of the match. Judges will not score for punches traded for punches and kicks traded for kicks. Judges will consider the following weighted techniques in determining winner of the rounds:

1. Two points will be awarded for a kick to the trunk or the head.
2. One point will be awarded for a punch to the trunk or the head, a kick to the leg and a knee to the trunk or thigh.
3. Three points can be awarded for a single-powerful technique that sends an opponent to the floor or a clever technique that has the same results - Center Referee or Chief Referee will so indicate.
4. One point will be awarded for knee techniques to the leg or the trunk.
5. Two points will be awarded for a take down leaving the attacker standing - Center Referee or Chief Referee will so indicate.
6. One point will be awarded to the second person falling (when both athletes go down) - Center Referee or Chief Referee will so indicate.
7. Two standing 8-counts in a round results in loss of the round - Center Referee or Chief Referee identifies 8-count and 10-count rules.
8. Three times off a lei tai in a round results in loss of the round.
9. Three 8-counts in a match results in loss of the match.
10. Where an athlete is over-matched by his opponent in power or skill/technique, the Center Referee or Chief Referee may declare Absolute Victory.
11. 3-WARNINGS results in loss of the round and a round or a match can not be won as a result of a foul. If a foul committed results in an Athlete having to withdraw from the match and the foul is determined to have been unintentional, the match will be declared no-contest. The Athlete committing the foul may be awarded a BYE and if practical, allowed to continue in the competition. Repeated CAUTIONS (6) will result in loss of the round.

Legal Techniques: All kicks and punches, not directed at the spine, the groin, the knee
joint and the throat; are legal techniques, as are sweeps and throws. Knees strikes may be directed to the thigh and the trunk only. A throw technique that could result in a neck or spine injury is illegal (you can not lift an opponent above your shoulders and you can not throw an opponent down onto his/her head). Take-downs by sweeps or throws, where in the eyes of the Center Referee or Chief Referee could result in serious injury, may be stopped and points awarded as though technique was completed.

Illegal Techniques: Continuing to attack when the referee calls STOP/TING, kicks or knees to the groin, knees strikes to the head, where gloves exposing the fingers are allowed, there will no finger strikes to eyes or throat.

Time Limit for Athlete holding is 3-seconds for non-activity and 5-seconds if legal knee strikes are attempted.

Etiquette/proper tradition: Sanda is defined as Chinese free-style. Athletes/competitors and corner men are expected to be from Chinese martial arts schools and therefore, respectful and quick to obey commands from the Center Referee and Chief Referee. Corner men will coach his/her athlete only between rounds. Prior to the start of round -1, athletes will be called to the center of the lei tai for introduction by the Center Referee. Athletes will enter side by side. The Center Referee will check the Athletes for proper equipment and direct the Athletes to bow and set. Athletes will enter from their corners for subsequent rounds. An Athlete not properly equipped for the match may receive a CAUTION.

Hand Signals:
3. Athlete down - Opponent standing
4. First Athlete down
5. 8-Count
6. 10-Count (Note: in the interest of safety, the Referee may count to 10 even when issuing an 8-count)
7. 3-Point technique
8. Passitivity
9. Rest between rounds
10. Stop all attacks/Ting

Important information for Athletes and Coaches:
1. Athletes must make the weigh-in times.
2. Athletes must arrive at the lei tai when called (failure to appear after 3-calls results in forfeiture).
3. Athletes shall enter the lei tai area when motioned in by the Center referee; RED Athlete to his left BLACK Athlete to his right. After the 1st round leave and re-entering from the BLACK/RED corners.
4. When asked, show mouth piece prior to each round.
5. STOP and break when told.
6. Athletes should be active; passive athletes will be CAUTIONED / WARNED to engage.
7. Athletes being counted will hold gloves up and answer the Center Referee if you wish to continue.
8. An Athlete will go to a neutral corner when directed.
9. Athletes will not ask for advice from their Coach/equipment person except during rest periods.
10. Athletes will use only legal techniques and refrain from causing serious injury to your opponent.
11. Clean techniques and techniques that are considered clever, are your best scoring choices.
Athlete weight classes: Depending on the number of Athletes, they may be matched in Lightweight, Middleweight, Heavyweight and Super Heavyweight classes vice actual weight classes.

Normally the following weight classes will be used:
1. 120- 129 2. 130-139
3. 140-149 4. 150-159
5. 160-169 6. 170-179
7. 180-189 8. 190-200
9. 201-225 10. 226-UNLIMITED

Mandatory equipment: For sanitary reasons, Athletes should enter competition with their own approved head gear and gloves.
1. Mouth piece
2. Head gear (light-contact equipment not allowed)
3. Gloves (light-contact equipment not allowed) equivalent 14oz below 190 lbs - 16 oz 190 and above
4. Chin guards chin guards must be visible to the Officials throughout the match
5. Groin cup
6. Chest protectors when required
7. Foot gear (light-contact equipment not allowed)
8. Kung Fu boxing shorts or Kung Fu pants. If long pants are worn, the chin guards must be visible (worn on the outside of pant legs).

Rules submitted by Sifu Mike Barry, Sanda Chairman for USA Traditional Kungfu and Wushu Federation

June 2005

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Props for scenery will not be allowed. For each of the events, there must be between 4 to 6 people. A CD/cassette player will be provided at the tournament. Please refer to the Time Limit table for time warning procedures and penalties.

• For Taiji Forms & Taiji Weapons the minimum time is 1 min 30 sec and maximum time is 5 min.
• For Other Forms & Other Weapons (includes Traditional, Wushu, & Other Internal/External), the minimum time is 45 sec and maximum time is 2 min.

Scoring for this event is based on the synchronized movements of the entire group, smoothness, form, accuracy, difficulty, & overall appearance of the entire group. Good music that matches the routine is a valuable asset.

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© Copyright 2005 Chin Woo Tournament, Inc. | 1350 E. Arapaho Rd. #110 | Richardson, TX 75081 | 972.680.7888