July 21: 10am - 10pm
- Holiday Inn Express, Plano
Sunday, July 23: 7am -
- Plano Centre, Plano
* Click here for map and directions
page is udated frequently. Please check back
for new listings and changes.
Last updated Tuesday, July 18, 2006
(click on the names for details) |
Barry |
"Teaching Meditation" -
FRI, July 21: 4:00pm - 5:20pm |
Blanchard |
Yoga I -
FRI, July 21: 10:00am - 11:20am
Yoga II
- FRI, July 21: 11:30am - 12:50pm
Yoga III
- FRI, July 21: 1:00pm - 2:20pm |
Cai |
Shaolin Di-Shu – The Secret
Fighting Arts of the Great Master
July 21: 8:30pm - 9:50pm
Cai Cheng |
Push Hand Applications
FRI, July 21: 5:30pm - 6:50pm
Self Defense
- FRI, July 21: 7:00pm - 8:20pm
Chin Na (Joint lock) and Counter
Chin Na
- SUN,
July 23: 8:30am - 9:50am |
Cheng |
Xingyiquan -
July 23: 7:00am - 8:20am
Ba Gua Zhang
- SUN,
July 23: 8:30am - 9:50am |
Chin &
Chris Heintzman |
Guang Ping Tai Chi Form -
July 23: 7:00am - 8:20am
Tai Chi for Combative Application
- SUN,
July 23: 8:30am - 9:50am |
FS Chin |
(Sticky Hands & Push Hands Skills)
I -
FRI, July 21: 4:00pm - 5:20pm
II -
FRI, July 21: 5:30pm - 6:50pm
- SUN,
July 23: 8:30am - 9:50am |
Ching |
Research and Writing for the Martial
Arts -
FRI, July 21: 8:30pm - 9:50pm |
Clarke |
Shaolin boxing in the ring and on
the streets -
July 23: 7:00am - 8:20am
Push hands from stationary,
moving step to reaction skills boxing
July 23: 8:30am - 9:50am |
Yan Feng |
Straight Sword -
FRI, July 21: 2:30pm - 3:50pm
2 Man Pole -
FRI, July 21: 4:00pm - 5:20pm
Fan -
FRI, July 21: 5:30pm - 6:50pm |
Hom |
Connection for Taiji, Push Hands,
and Other Arts -
FRI, July 21: 2:30pm - 3:50pm
Meridian Qigong for Healing (Qi Dancing
for Relaxation and Enjoyment)
July 21: 5:30pm - 6:50pm
Biao Lang |
(Southern Fist)
(Southern Sabre)
(Southern Staff) |
Lau &
Kalman Wong |
Shaolin Eagle Claw |
Lee |
Wu Taiji & Small Circle Push Hands
FRI, July 21: 8:30pm - 9:50pm |
Li |
Chun Sil Lim Tao As Qigong -
FRI, July 21: 5:30pm - 6:50pm
Anti-Cancer Meditation
- FRI, July 21: 7:00pm - 8:20pm |
Lie |
Style Taiji
Movement -
July 23: 7:00am - 8:20am
- SUN,
July 23: 8:30am - 9:50am |
Luth |
Hands ... Effortless Pushing -
July 23: 7:00am - 8:20am
& Internal Neutralizing
- SUN,
July 23: 8:30am - 9:50am |
Meng |
Wing Chun & Shaolin Connection
- FRI, July 21: 7:00pm - 8:20pm
Wing Chun Fighting Applications
FRI, July 21: 8:30pm - 9:50pm
Ng |
Choy Lay Fut Basics -
FRI, July 21: 4:00pm - 5:20pm
Choy Lay Fut Combat Applications
FRI, July 21: 5:30pm - 6:50pm
Perez |
Section Whip -
FRI, July 21: 8:30pm - 9:50pm
Sectional Staff
- FRI, July 21: 7:00pm - 8:20pm
Dynamics of Rope Dart/Meteor Hammer -
July 23: 7:00am - 8:20am
Man Sit |
Taiji Secrets
- FRI, July 21: 11:30am - 12:50pm
Art of Rooting -
FRI, July 21: 2:30pm - 3:50pm |
Spencer |
Lay Fut -
FRI, July 21: 8:30pm - 9:50pm
Taiji -
July 23: 7:00am - 8:20am |
Sun |
Wind-Fire Wheel Part I
- FRI, July 21: 11:30am - 12:50pm
Wind-Fire Wheel Part II -
FRI, July 21: 2:30pm - 3:50pm
Wind-Fire Wheel Part III -
July 23: 7:00am - 8:20am |
Xiang Tseng |
Wudang Swordplay Part I
- FRI, July 21: 7:00pm - 8:20pm
Swordplay Part II
- SUN,
July 23: 8:30am - 9:50am |
Wang |
Chiao & Taiji Integration
- FRI, July 21: 7:00pm - 8:20pm
& Finish Strategy in Push Hands
FRI, July 21: 8:30pm - 9:50pm |
Waters |
- FRI, July 21: 7:00pm - 8:20pm
Hands for Beginning Women -
FRI, July 21: 4:00pm - 5:20pm
Swimming Dragon Chi Kung
- SUN,
July 23: 8:30am - 9:50am
Wong |
Boxing or Liu He Ba Fa (Six Harmony
Eight Methods) - Part I
July 21: 10:00am - 11:20am
Boxing or Liu He Ba Fa (Six Harmony
Eight Methods) - Part II
July 21: 11:30am - 12:50pm
Wu(Hao) Style Taiji 13
- FRI, July 21: 1:00pm - 2:20pm
Wu |
Wing Chun Techniques -
FRI, July 21: 2:30pm - 3:50pm
Wing Chun Techniques -
FRI, July 21: 4:00pm - 5:20pm |
Wu Chuan
- FRI, July 21: 7:00pm - 8:20pm
Ji Chuan
- SUN,
July 23: 8:30am - 9:50am |

Barry is a well respected Sifu in
the Chinese martial arts community
both nationally and inter-nationally.
He was on the original executive
board of the famed North American
Chinese Martial Arts Federation
and served for six years as Regional
President and Executive Board Member
for the USA WuShu / Kung Fu Federation.
Sifu Mike progressed from an amateur
boxer and Karate fighter in the
early 60's to licensed semi-pro
full contact trainer in the mid-70's
operating out of San Diego, Ca.
Sifu Mike started his Kung Fu training
in 1972. Mike received formal Sanshou
training and certification at the
University of Shanghai in 1995 and
has officiated at two World Tournaments.
He is an active member of the JOW
GA Kung Fu Association and has performed
at numerous Masters exhibitions
at home and abroad, while continuing
to referee at major Chinese martial
arts tournaments throughout the
country. He is a retired Naval Officer
and submariner, holds a B.S. degree
in Ed. from Southern Illinois University,
and has taught continuously in Southern
Maryland since 1981.
Wuji "Teaching Meditation"
FRI, July 21: 4:00pm - 5:20pm
Workshop will consist of standing
meditation and Wuji-based philosophy.
The Wuji Seminar is designed to
enhance a teacher's Tai Chi program;
includes a handout.
Still meditation: Part 1 NO-MIND
Meditation (Chaos to Wuji - awaking
the Chi and reverse breathing).
Part 2 TEACHING Meditation (poem
on the philosophy of life)
Tel: 330-948-1282
to top |
1968, Mary Blanchard helped establish
the first Yoga School in Houston.
She has since used the practice
of Yoga to keep Lupus and Arthritis
in remission. She is also a Texas
State licensed massage therapist,
a member of A.M.T.A., instructor/representative
for Concept Therapy Institute, and
a certified Tai Chi Instructor.
Yoga I
- FRI, July
21: 10:00am - 11:20am
Yoga II - FRI,
July 21: 11:30am - 12:50pm
Yoga III - FRI,
July 21: 1:00pm - 2:20pm
Explore the healing possibilities
inherent in the practice of yoga.
Proper skeletal alignment could
reduce your risk of injury and ward
off the degenerative aspects of
aging. The yogi says, "...
it is our duty to be happy ..."
As the millenium approaches, allow
the five thousand year old teachings
of yoga to become a positive influence
in your life.
Tel: 713-722-8540
to top |
he was only six years old, his father
– the grand master Ruo-Shui
Cai started teaching him the traditional
Fujian (or Fukien) Shaolin Temple’s
Kungfu. After five years of rigorous
and intensive Tong-Zi-Gong, Zhuang-Gong,
Luohan Quan, and Shaolin Quan training,
he and his younger brother, Dr.
Damu Cai (of course, at that time,
Damu was not yet a doctor), were
sent to the Grand Master Zi-Shen
Zhuang’s home for more intensified
and strict kungfu training. Everyday,
except a few holidays, Ying and
Damu got up at 4:00 am and run 3
miles to Master Zhuang’s home
to be taught privately by Master
Zhuang for two hours before open
class students arriving, then practiced
under Master’s sons’
guidance with open class students
for another two hours. In the afternoon,
after school, they practiced two
more hours. In the evening, before
the bed time, they practiced two
hours again. Through such an intensified
training and thanks to the great
quality of Masters Zhuang, Ying
Cai had grasped a variety of traditional
Chinese martial arts including both
southern and northern styles. Eleven
years later, Ying Cai left the hometown
Quanzhou City to pursue his college
degree and was very fortunate to
learn the legendary Grand Master
Wan Laisheng’s Zi-Ran-Men
and other classic Chinese martial
arts. Benefited from the rigorous
Tong-Zi-Gong training in his youth
age, after more than 45 years of
his first Kungfu lesson, Ying Cai
still can do the splits and have
to practice as often as possible.
Since his 90 years old father, the
grand Master Ruo-Shui Cai is still
practicing and wants his sons do
Di-Shu – The Secret Fighting
Arts of the Great Master Wu-Mei
July 21: 8:30pm - 9:50pm
rarely-known history of the secret
ancient Shaolin Kungfu, “Shaolin
Di-Shu Quan-Fa”, will be presented.
The origin, the lineage, and the
evolution of the superb martial
arts will be reviewed. Demonstrated
with exceptional movements, the
great functions of the ancient Kungfu
for body-conditioning and self-defense
will be discussed.
Tel: 618-467-2477
to top |
Jin Cai Cheng was born in Wen Xian
County, Henan, China. He started
to study Chen Style Tai Chi at the
age of seven. He further his studies
with Grandmasters Chen Zhao Kui,
Chen Mao Sen, Chen Tu Yuan, Wang
Xian and Feng Zhi Qiang. He studied
and served as an assistant instructor
with Grandmaster Chen Zhao Kui 1973-1981.
He promoted Chen Tai Chi and served
as Coach/Secretary in local and
provincial martial art associations
in China. The Chen Family Committee
awarded Master Cheng an official
certificate as the 19th Generation
Disciple of the 18th Generation
Grandmaster Chen Zhao Kui, August
18, 2005. Master Cheng has served
in National and International Martial
Arts Tournaments as an Official,
Advisor, Master’s Demonstrator
and Seminar Instructor. He is the
President of the U.S.A Chen Tai
Chi Federation. He specializes in
all Chen forms, Weapon forms, Push
Hands and Chin-na. He is a noted
writer for the Tai Chi Magazine
and Chinese Newspapers. Master Cheng
presently resides in Houston, Texas.
Hand Application
- FRI,
July 21: 5:30pm - 6:50pm
Defense - FRI,
July 21: 7:00pm - 8:20pm
Na (Joint lock) and Counter Chin
Na - SUN,
July 23: 8:30am - 9:50am
Tel: 713-270-6797
to top |
Shaoming Cheng was born in China.
He started his martial arts training
when he was six. He studied martial
arts from several famous Chinese
martial arts masters, including
grandmaster Sha GuoZheng, one of
the best Xingyiquan and Baguazhang
Masters of his generation. Dr. Cheng
has won first place medals in both
China and the United States. Dr.
Cheng has been teaching Hsingyiquan,
Baguazhang, and Taijiquan for sixteen
years, eight of those in the United
States. Dr. Cheng has served as
a judge at numerous international
martial arts tournaments and performed
at the “Masters Demonstration”
at these tournaments. Dr. Cheng
received his Ph.D. from the University
of Georgia in 2005. Currently Dr
Cheng is teaching Chen Style Tai
Chi at the University of Texas at
Austin, Texas.
Xing Yi Quan -
July 23: 7:00am - 8:20am
is one of the major styles of internal
martial arts. It was invented by
General Yue Fei in the 12 Century.
is famous for its unique fighting
techniques. Its movements are very
similar to external styles, but
Xingyi also focuses on internal
energy development. Xingyiquan
has its special walking techniques
(Shang Ti Shi) and hands movement
(Pi, Zhu, Bong, Pao, Heng). This
seminar will teach some basic Xingyi
steps and a short Xingyi form.
Traditional Ba Gua
- SUN,
July 23: 8:30am - 9:50am
is an internal martial art that
increases energy through simultaneous
circle walking, forms practice,
and breath control. Baguazhang is
literally translated as Eight Trigram
Palm. This style is one of the three
internal styles of China. The other
two styles are Hsing Yi Quan and
Taichi Quan. As with Hsing Yi and
Taichi, the practice of Bagua generates
Qi (internal energy) for both health
and combat purposes. Baguazhang
uses palm techniques exclusively,
and this is reflected in the name,
Eight Trigram Palm. This makes Bagua
distinct from Xing Yi and Taiji
styles, both of which incorporate
fist techniques. This seminar will
teach traditional Dong Style Baguazhang.
Tel: (512) 363-3677
to top |

David Chin

Chris Heintzman
David Chin
is the original indoor student of
Sifu Kuo Lien-Ying. After many years
of seclusion Chin Sifu has decided
to share the application set that
Kuo Lien-Ying taught him many years
ago in San Francisco. Sifu Chin
was also fortunate enough to work
in depth with Master Ng Yim-Ming
the Tibetan Hop Gar master and was
appointed the official representative
of the Hop Gar system in the U.S.
You can now find Sifu Chin in the
quite military town of Fayetteville
North Carolina.
has practiced martial arts for over
twenty years. His study has included
Kali, Pu Kang Tang Soo Do, Okinawan
Kobudo, and American Karate. For
the last eight years he has practiced
Hop Gar Kung Fu under the guidance
of Sifu David Chin. Chris currently
teaches Hop Gar in Carrboro, North
Carolina. Chris also teaches Tai
Chi for the Chatham County Council
on Aging and at the Plum Spring
Clinic in Chapel Hill, NC.
Ping Tai Chi Form - SUN,
July 23: 7:00am - 8:20am
This seminar will teach the first
form of the Guang Ping System
Practical Tai Chi for Combative
- SUN,
July 23: 8:30am - 9:50am
This seminar will give students
an eye opening look at the explosive
techniques of Tai Chi Chuan. Since
many of the movements are shared
among the arts all students are
welcome and no prior experience
is necessary. Last year we worked
exclusively with the idea of fa
jing. This year we will concentrate
on some of the other aspects of
tai chi such a chin na, and suai
Tel: 910-485-0039
to top
Sam F.S. Chin is the Head of the
System and Co-Founder of the art
of I-Liq Chuan. He is the President
of the I-Liq Chuan Association in
the USA, Russia, Hungary and Australia.
His father The Grand Master Chin
Lik-Keong then founder of the art
traditionally trained him since
childhood. Master Chin has won championships
in Tai Chi Push Hands and Kick-Boxing
Tournaments. He has been teaching
for 27 years in Malaysia, Australia
and the USA and conducts workshops
and seminars nationally and abroad
throughout the year.
- Unique Sticky Hand & Push
Hand Skills
Part I
FRI, July 21: 4:00pm - 5:20pm
Part II
FRI, July 21: 5:30pm - 6:50pm
Part III
- SUN,
July 23: 8:30am - 9:50am
This workshop will demonstrate the
feel of roundness and stickiness
using a series of two person drills.
You will come away with greater
understanding of how to unify the
physical and the mental to harmonize
yourself while controlling the opponent.
We will cover:
(1) Flowing with the opponent defensively
- Keeping him out of your inner
(2) Flowing with the opponent offensively
Penetrating his inner circle;
(3) Neutralizing the Opponent -
Freezing him by capturing his mass;
(4) Off Balancing the Opponent -
merging to move or strike at will.
The understanding of these principles
and concepts will add another
dimension of proficiency to your
skill as a martial artist.
Tel: 845-635-3567
to top |
Gene Ching is the Associate Publisher
of Kung Fu Tai Chi Magazine and, the largest
English-language magazine and website
exclusively devoted to Chinese martial
arts. He has authored hundreds of
articles and videotapes on the martial
arts. Since 1998, Gene has worked
full-time in the martial arts as
a school manager, weapon maker,
antique sword dealer, freelance
writer and snake oil seller, with
only a small portion coming from
teaching. He has been covering Taiji
Legacy for Kung Fu Tai Chi since
Research and Writing for the Martial
FRI, July 21: 8:30pm - 9:50pm
Martial arts literacy is on the
rise. Now every practitioner needs
to engage the growing body of
martial literature if they are
to be taken seriously. What’s
more, every school must now publish
to stay viable, not only magazine
articles, but also websites, publicity
material and newsletters. That
responsibility falls on every
member of the school, not just
the master. Gene will discuss
the state of present research
and how it integrates with your
martial practice, along with how
to approach publishing today.
Be prepared with your own ideas,
projects and issues.
Tel: 510-656-5100 x137
to top |
Christophe has studied the internal
arts from world-renowned masters
in China, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia,
South Korea, Japan, the Philippines,
and the US. Shirfu Christophe is
a former U.S. team member, 1990
Korea and 1996 Gold medal winner
in Brazil.
Shirfu Christophe has established
himself as a world respected teacher
of the internal arts. He has worked
for the Sports Ministry in the former
USSR as a consultant to their national
athletic program. He worked for
Dan Reeves with the Denver Broncos
on coordination and visualization
techniques. He has also worked with
the Federal Bureau of Investigation
to teach their SWAT team high-level
martial arts techniques.
Shirfu Christophe is a multitalented
musician, screenplay writer, and
has starred in five martial arts
action films, most recently "Tiger
Street" (appearing on Showtime
in December 2003) and "Dancing
Bear" to be released at the
end of 2004. He is also noted as
being the 1990 Gold Medallist full
contact Champion, US Team, Seoul,
Shaolin boxing in the ring and on
the streets -
July 23: 7:00am - 8:20am
and powerful combination from the
northern branch of Shaolin that
will protect you from an attack....all
levels welcomed.
Push hands from stationary,
moving step to reaction skills boxing
July 23: 8:30am - 9:50am
Learn the secrets to the mastery
of TaiJi boxing experience the greatest
boxing style of all time. Safe and
educational...all level welcomed
Tel: 303-282-9633
to top |
Shi Yan Feng is a 34th generation
Shaolin disciple and martial monk
from the Songshan Shaolin Temple,
Henan Province, China. He started
his kungfu training at the age of
4. His formal training in Shaolin
Temple began at the age of 6 under
the supervision of Master Shi Wan
Heng for Traditional Shaolin and
Tong Zi Gong. At age 8, he was chosen
to be a part of the Henan Mountain
Shaolin Temple Martial Arts Performance
Team. He was the youngest in the
group which comprised of only monks
with exceptional martial arts skills
visiting and performing in 35 countries.
In 1998, he was a part of the "Shaolin
Kungfu of China" World Tour.
From 1995 through 2002, Shi Yan
Feng has traveled and performed
nationally in China and internationally
to 30 countries. In between tours,
about every six months, he continued
his training while teaching students
at the Shaolin Temple Wushu Guan.
In 2000, he participated in a Shaolin
Temple competition of its best students
winning first place in straight
sword, broadsword, monk's staff,
and long fist. His last tour in
July 2002 brought him to Houston
and Dallas. After returning briefly
to China, he came back to Houston
to continue to spread Shaolin Kung
Fu and its philosophy.
Shi Yan Feng specializes in Traditional
Northern Shaolin, Shaolin Long Fist,
Modern Chang Quan, Ditang Quan,
Qigong, Baduanjin, and all the 18
Shaolin weapons.
FRI, July 21: 2:30pm - 3:50pm
created and passed on by Bodhidharma,
the first Indian monk who came to
the Shaolin Temple, it is known
as the “Gentleman of all Weapons”.
The straight sword attacks like
the flying dragon. Attacks are hidden
and produced in stillness. Practice
of this form requires precise footwork
and control of wrist. Often considered
as a Yin weapon because of its flexibility
and use of focused power, straight
sword practice tempers the Yang
forces that usually dominate the
energy exhibited by martial artists.
FRI, July 21: 4:00pm - 5:20pm
FRI, July 21: 5:30pm - 6:50pm
Tel: (832)298-1919 or (832)248-3748
to top |
Peter Hom has been practicing Taiji
for over 60 years and has been teaching
combination style Qigong and Taiji
for 25 years. He is a professional
member of NQA and certified practitioner
Connection for Taiji, Push Hands,
and Other Arts
July 21: 2:30pm - 3:50pm
To do qigong properly, we
have to cultivate the 3 key elements.
The first key element is regulating
the breath. What is breath? Of course,
for qigong, it is mainly from the
tantien. We are going to discuss
where is the tantien located, and
how it happens to create more life
force and power. Then we can make
a connection with our movement to
put qi to work the way we want.
The second key element is regulating
the body movement. When the body
is not comfortable, the qi will
not flow properly. If the posture
is not very correct, we may get
injured or experience negative side
effects. We will talk about centering
and naturally adjusting yourself
to make your posture correct.
The third key element is regulating
the mind. If your mind is clouded,
it cannot guide the qi to move your
body very well. We have to know
how to use the mind-will to get
all 3 of the key elements to work
together. Then our qigong will be
better and our shen will be created
on a higher level.
Once we incorporate the 3 key elements
into qigong practice, you will be
amazed at how qi applies to taiji,
push hands, healing, and other arts.
Meridian Qigong for Healing (Qi
Dancing for Relaxation and Enjoyment)
July 21: 5:30pm - 6:50pm
is not a new concept from the traditional
Chinese way of qigong. In the old
time of China, Qi Dancing had been
done in many many Imperial Palaces.
The way we present it, using modern
music and rhythm, helps us to cultivate
our qi in social life and daily
life. This way we don’t have
to lose our leisure time, and we
can have more fun and enjoyment.
Dancing helps us to calm our mind
for relaxation, releasing stress,
and to get the qi flowing through
the meridian system in the proper
way. Then we can gain more energy
at the same time because we create
more circulation for the qi and
the blood. This will help us to
reach our goal to cultivate the
essence and transform it into qi
for healing the body. Then, transforming
the qi into shen to harmonize the
mind will help us to have a better
life. Finally, if we do this very
well, we can return to the Tao.
Tel: 504-889-2669
to top |
Rong Biao Lang, from Tianjin, China,
is a 5 time China National Wushu
Grand Champion, 1 of 3 persons to
receive this title, alongside Jet
Li and Yang Wen Qin. He has been
granted the title “One of
China’s Top 10 Athletes”
and is known as the “NanQuan
Master Lang is currently the owner
and headmaster of the Huo Yuan Jia
Wushu School in Tianjin, China.
Started in the year 2000, this school
has already grown to a size of 700
students. Students and schools from
foreign countries will travel to
learn from Master Lang. He is also
the Vice President of Tianjin Chin
Woo Association in China.
He is a member of the Committee
of Youth Union in China, coach of
the Professional Wushu Team in Tianjin,
China, and has been awarded the
title of "One of China's 100
Outstanding Persons in the Martial
Arts". His awards in competition
-Staff Champion in the 3rd World
Wushu Championships
-Nanquan Champion in the 13th Asian
-Nanquan and Dui Lian Champion in
the China 8th National Sports Meeting
-Individual All-around Champion
in the China National Wushu Championships
(Champion in Nanquan, Nan Dao, Nan
Gun, Gun Shu, Di Tang Quan, Dui
Nanquan features vigorous, athletic
movements with very stable, low
stances, extensive hand techniques
and a vocal articulation. Power
is driven from sharp waist movement
with special emphasis on fast stance
transition to generate power and
speed in the arms.
nandao is used mostly in contemporary
wushu exercises and forms. Its blade
bears some resemblance to the butterfly
sword, also a southern Chinese single-bladed
weapon; the main difference is the
size, and the fact that the butterfly
swords are always used in pairs.
The nandao is mostly used two-handed
due to its larger amount of weight,
and it has a large metal crossguard
useful in deflecting blows and hooking
the opponent's weapon.
Nangun is the southern staff known
for vigorous, athletic movements
with very stable, low stances and
intricate strikes with the staff.
Being a Southern style, it requires
greater leg stability and power
generation through leg and hip coordination.
Contact: 972-680-7888
to top |

Lau is the eldest daughter of the
late Grandmaster Lau Fat Mang. At
the age of 17, her teaching career
began in Hong Kong after her father's
death, and she has since been recognized
throughout the world as the authority
on the Eagle Claw system of kungfu.
She is the founder and director
of the Lily Lau Eagle Claw Kungfu
Federation International.
Eagle Claw
Shaolin “Eagle Claw System”
is a set of traditional Chinese
Kungfu fighting techniques. This
type of Northern Kungfu was developed
and widely used in China. The traditional
style of Kungfu was used by the
famous military General Ngok Fei
to train his soldiers. This set
of fighting techniques is mostly
composed of the following: Jau (grab),
Da (strike), Kum (catch), Na (hold),
Fan Gun (separate the tendons),
Cho Gwat (dislocating the joints),
Dim Yuet (strike precisely the pressure
points), Baai Hei (stop the breathing),
Sim Gin (fast changing stances),
Tun Noh (jump and take away). Traditional
Eagle Claw is based on three fundamental
forms: Hahng Kuen Sahp Lo, Lin Kuen
Ng Sahp Lo (Combination Fist 50
Sections), and 108 Chin Na (joint
locking techniques). All the techniques
are very practical.
Tel: 650-692-8688
to top |
Lee is the founder of Lee's White
Leopard Kung Fu Schools since 1975.
He appeared in Inside Kung Fu, Black
Belt, Official Karate, Wushu Qigong,
Tai Chi, Internal Arts, & Wu
Gong magazines. He is the personal
disciple of Wu style legend of the
late Mah-Yeah-Liang of Shanghai,
Fu style Pa Kua Master General Sun
Paul Kung of Hong Kong and the closed
door disciple of Northern Shaolin
My Jhong Law Horn Grandmaster Yip
Yu Ting of Hopei.
Taiji & Small Circle Push Hands
FRI, July 21: 8:30pm - 9:50pm
The Small Circle Push Hands workshop
will teach the practitioner to manipulate,
borrow, deliver and return the opponent's
strength and force by sensing the
vectors and the resulting force
of rising, roll-back, pressing,
pushing, pull-down, spin out and
leaning of the eight tai chi push
hands techniques. When you do not
use external techniques, your opponent
will be amazed at your ability to
off-balance him or her without the
appearance of using any external
movement on your part.
Tel: 972-991-1088
to top |
LI |
Li has been studying Chinese Martial
Arts for over 40 years. Born and
raised in Macau, Master Li began
training at a young age. He is a
2nd generation disciple of Yip Man
Wing Chun and a 5th generation disciple
of Yang Family Taiji. Master Li
is a high-level Qigong Master specializing
in Qigong healing. He is the Chief
Instructor of Li’s School
of Ving Tsun, Taiji and Qigong,
President of the U.S. National Traditional
Wushu Federation, Vice-President
of the U.S.A. Wushu Kungfu Federation,
Vice-President of the U.S. National
Tai Chi Chuan Federation and Honorary
President of the Hong Kong Chinese
Martial Arts Association. Master
Li is internationally-ranked as
an 8th degree black belt and is
regularly requested to conduct workshops
and lectures at local universities
in the Greater Kansas City area
and throughout the U.S.
Wing Chun Sil Lum Tao as Qigong-
FRI, July 21: 5:30pm - 6:50pm
Master Li will teach the
internal aspects of Sil Lim Tao
based on his training in the form
since childhood, which originated
his development as a Qigong Master.
Most people practice Sil Lim Tao
focusing on precise movements and
structure. Now Master Li will share
the secret of Sil Lim Tao as a powerful
Qigong tool for increasing and improving
one’s inner strength and health.
Anti-Cancer Meditation
- FRI, July 21: 7:00pm - 8:20pm
Master Li will teach how
to cultivate internal, vital energy
and build a surplus of essential
Yin energy, as well as how to use
the energy for purifying the body.
Master Li will explain simple mental
techniques and demonstrate slow
movements to cultivate energy and
get rid of pain and toxic build-up
in the body.
Tel: 816-590-6820
to top |
Lie is a senior taiji instructor
at J.K. Wong Kungfu Tai Chi Academy.
He participated in the 2000 Yongnian,
China International Taiji Championship.and
received silver medals in Wu(Hao)
form and Wu(Hao) Sword. He has studied
with Master Jimmy K. Wong, sixth
generation direct lineage of the
Wu(Hao) style. He is also an Executive
Board Member of the USA Chin Woo
Federation and the North America
Wu(Hao) Taiji Federation.
This is Wu-Yu Xiang Taiji. It comes
from small frame Chen style. Every
posture has four states, start,
connect, open, and close. Start:
Change from Wuchi to taiji-intention;
Connect: Movement from taiji to
yin-yang-distinguished between substantial
and insubstantial; Open: Initiating
attack or retreat; Close: Action
of attacking and retreating. This
series of seminars is designed to
introduce people to the Wu (Hao)
style as well as for those who want
to perform with the Wu (Hao) group
during the Opening Ceremonies.
24 Movement -
July 23: 7:00am - 8:20am
The 24 movement form expands on
the principals and movements of
Wu (Hao) Taiji introduced in the
13 movement form. This form can
also done for competition in the
Wu (Hao) division.
32 Movement
- SUN,
July 23: 8:30am - 9:50am
The 32 movement form expands on
the principals and movements of
Wu (Hao) Taiji introduced in the
13 & 24 movement form. This
form is the intermediate level Wu
(Hao) Taiji Form.
Tel: 972-680-7888
to top |
Luth is a 2 time U.S. National Gold
Medalist in Tai Chi (Forms &
Push Hands) and is the founder of
The "Pacific School of Tai
Chi & Chi Kung" (San Diego),
"Tai Chi in Paradise Retreats"
and The "Art Of Teaching"
a conference for Tai Chi & Qi
gong instructors. Chris began studying
meditation in the early 70's, in
1974 he began his study of Tai Chi
& Qi Gong with Grandmaster (Abraham)
Liu Chen Huan and has now been teaching
as a full-time profession for over
27 years. Chris has operated one
of North America's only formalized
"Tai Chi Teachers Training
Programs" since 1984 and has
trained dozens of teachers internationally.
active judge and referee serving
in U.S. National Competition since
1991 he has authored innovative
Push Hands Competition Rules (designed
to reward "subtle" Tai
Chi skills) as well as Guidelines
& Tips for Push Hands Referees.
His travels through Asia & elsewhere
have allowed him the opportunity
to study with numerous masters of
these arts and to blend these perspectives
into an innovative & detailed
approach to Tai Chi.
Currently, half of his time is spent
in Southern California focusing
exclusively on offering Private
Instruction and Training Teachers,
the other half of the time is spent
travelling, teaching workshops and
retreats throughout Europe, North
America, Australia and Southeast
Push Hands ... Effortless
Pushing -
July 23: 7:00am - 8:20am
Experience pushing techniques that
use "minimal force" to
accomplish their goal. Learn how
the development of "energy
sensitivity, listening skills &
root connection" can make the
act of pushing a relatively effortless
Rooting & Internal Neutralizing
- SUN,
July 23: 8:30am - 9:50am
Explore this unique, highly crucial
(and often overlooked) form of neutralizing.
Through proper structural alignmant,
"Root Connection", focused
awareness and "Deep Internal
Relaxation" you will enter
a state where force is dissapated
through your body and into the ground.
Tel: (858) 259-1396
to top
Meng began his Wing Chun training
during 1981 in Hong Kong under Sifu
Lee Hoi Sang and resumed and completed
the system under Sifu Moy Yat of
NYC. He started teaching Wing Chun
in 1987. His passion for Wing Chun
research has been fueled at an accelarating
rate by his position as Curator
of the Ving Tsun Museum. He is a
certified Senior Instructor under
the Ving Tsun Athletic Association
in Hong Kong. He is currently studying
Hung Fa Yi Wing Chun under Sifu
Garrett Gee.
Wing Chun & Shaolin Connection
- FRI, July
21: 7:00pm - 8:20pm
workshop will be a technical discussion
on the Southern Shaolin Temple,
the Hung Fa Yi Wing Chun system,
Revolutionary Society Wing Chun
and Red Boat Opera Wing chun. This
workshop will touch on areas of
history, philosohpy, and technical
knowledge seldom discussed in the
public as well as give participants
a solid foundation in what constitutes
the foundation of Southern Shaolin.
Coming away from this workshop,
you will have a new appreciation
of just how far, wide, and deep
the wisdom of Hung Fa Yi Shaolin
Wing Chun reaches.
Wing Chun Fighting Applications
FRI, July 21: 8:30pm - 9:50pm
This workshop will be hands-on
and interactive. You will learn
exercises to cultivate your health,
sense of reality, and self-defense
skills. You'll see how Hung Fa Yi
Wing Chun addresses all combat ranges
as well as cultivates clearer awareness
of reality and improves health.
You should expect to come away with
a good workout for the body and
an even better workout for the mind
and attitude, seeing how the physical
exercises directly connect to your
experience of reality.
Tel: 937-236-6485
to top |
NG |
is a 5th generation practitioner
of the Choy Lay Fut system created
by Great Grandmaster Chan Heung,
Sam Ng has been practicing Choy
Lay Fut for over 30 years. A student
of the late Grandmaster To Hon Cheung,
Sam Ng has been teaching Choy Lay
Fut Gung Fu for over ten years.
After founding the Ng Family Chinese
Martial Arts Association with his
son instructor Philip Ng in 1997,
Sifu Sam Ng has been involved in
both organizing and performing in
numerous martial arts demonstrations
in the Chicago-land area.
Choy Lay Fut Basics
FRI, July 21: 4:00pm - 5:20pm
Open to all practitioners of all
levels. The primary topics discussed
will include the basic stance structures,
methods of generating of power,
and proper execution of the techniques
found within Choy Lay Fut Gung Fu.
The execution and usage of the Choy
Lay Fut ten elements (the basic
building blocks of every Choy Lay
Fut system) will be discussed and
taught. Sifu Ng will also systematically
break down sequences commonly found
within Choy Lay Fut forms to demonstrate
and explain in detail the concepts
behind the movements. A basic form
including the main concepts and
movements contained within the Choy
Lay Fut system will also be introduced
and taught.
Choy Lay Fut Combat Applications
FRI, July 21: 5:30pm - 6:50pm
Advanced fighting concepts behind
the Choy Lay Fut method will be
discussed. Concepts of invasion,
evasion, gating, continuation, throwing
and joint locking will be introduced.
Familiarity with the execution of
such concepts and techniques is
what enables a practitioner to prevail
in a combat situation. Drills designed
to enhance concept and technique
familiarization will be taught.
Self-Defense type combinations will
also be introduced.
Choy Lay Fut Combat Applications
Tel: 708-373-6676
to top |
Kenny Perez has trained in Wushu
for over twenty five years. One
of the original American pioneers
of Wushu the first non asian to
train in China after the raising
of the “Bamboo curtain”
and establishment of détente.
Mr. Perez studied with Wu Bin in
Beijing along side #1 team Beijing
Wushu team and athletes home of
Jet Li. There he trained diligently
with the best. At that time his
room-mate and training partner was
Donnie Yen, now the #1 action director
in Hong Kong.
Mr. Perez was a member of the 1st
U.S. Wushu team in 1980,’81,’82
and competed in subsequent teams
in ’84 and ’88. He has
seen the evolution of Wushu here
in America and has seen the ups
and downs of the sport. Not many
people can teach Wushu and coach
to a high degree like Mr. Perez.
Master Wu Bin is quoted as saying
“Mr. Perez has the ability
of being the best U.S. Wushu coach
because of his abilities to work
on details and understanding of
instruction of difficulty movements.”
His insight makes him a standout
master coach. His wins speak for
Besides being on the U.S. team multiple
times, he has competed and won in
Open tournaments throughout the
U.S. including The Long Beach Internationals,
Desert Classic, L.V. Open, Empire
State Championships, and Houston
Open etc. He has choreographed many
scenes with Famous Director Yuen
Wo Ping, Donnie Yen and even doubled
for Jet Li.
9 Section Whip -
FRI, July 21: 8:30pm - 9:50pm
sectional whip will cover circles,
figure 8's, swings, strikes, wraps,
ground techniques, as well as acrobatic
3 Sectional
- FRI, July 21: 7:00pm - 8:20pm
In this workshop, Mr Perez will
cover basic figure eights, swings,
twirls, strikes, stabs smashes,
and advanced combinations including
ground rolling combinations
Dynamics of Rope Dart/Meteor Hammer -
July 23: 7:00am - 8:20am
introductory class to this versitile
soft weapon covering basic swings,
wraps, catches, kicks, combinations
and a routine; shin guards reccomended
for beginners some darts and hammers
will be available to use.
Tel: 623-332-8632
to top |
Man Sit has been practicing Tai
Chi and Kungfu for more than 30
years. He is an expert on Wu style
Tai Chi and a rare internal style
Tai Hui (six elbows). He likes to
combine ancient Chinese ideas with
modern physics. He usually conducts
workships in a fun and enjoyable
Taiji Secrets -
FRI, July 21: 11:30am - 12:50pm
secrets are sayings from past and
present Taiji masters. They are
simple but profound. Understanding
these secrets can help students
to enter the threshold of Taiji.
Excellent for students who want
a true understanding of the art.
(All styles welcome)
The Art of Rooting -
FRI, July 21: 2:30pm - 3:50pm
Rooting is the art of wu-wei (non-doing).
The key is to master the yin force,
or gravity. We will work on power
rooting, movement rooting, gravity
rooting and intuitive rooting. Do
the non-doing and there is nothing
you cannot do.
Tel: 913-829-4914
to top |
Fred Spencer studied Choy Lee Fut
in San Francisco, Ca. He was a disciple
of Master Jew Long he studied for
10 years. He continued as a disciiple
of the Chen Family, Mastr Chen Yong-Fa
Fu Hang Ng, Chan Kit Fong. In 1994
Master Spencer won a Silver Medal
in China doing Choy Lee Fut. In
2004 Master Spencer went to the
Chen Heung Village in Ging Mui in
the Kwantang Providence, China.
Master Spencer has been in Choy
Lee Fut for 35 years.
Choy Lay Fut -
FRI, July 21: 8:30pm - 9:50pm
Yang Taiji -
July 23: 7:00am - 8:20am
Master Fred studied Yang Style Tai
Chi Chuan as a disciple of Grandmaster
Fu Zhong Wen. He also studied with
Grandmaster Wen’s son, Fu
Sheng Yuan. In 1994 & 1995,
Master Spencer won 2 Gold Medals
in Yang Style Tai Chi in China.
Master Spencer has 30 years in Yang
Style Tai Chi Chuan.
Tel: 559-442-0558
to top |
Steve L. Sun, a 10th degree black
belt and Ph.D. in Civil and Environmental
Engineering from the University
of Pennsylvania, is founder of the
Siu Lum Studio and Martial Arts
Academy in Havertown, PA. He began
training at the age of 10 under
his father, Grandmaster Chun Sun.
After further training with other
masters, in 1985, Dr. Sun was received
as the 31st generation disciple
by the Shaolin Temple, in Henan,
China. A recipient of many awards,
in October 1998, Dr. Sun has also
published two books. The first,
entitled Tai Chi Chuan Wind &
Fire Wheels was awarded 7 “Most
Golden Awards” by the World
Chinese Medicine and Herbs United
Association. In November 1999, he
published his second book, Advanced
Tai Chi Chuan Wind & Fire Wheels.
In September 1999, he received the
“World Most Outstanding Achievement
in Martial Arts Golden Award”
and in December 1999, an Honorary
Doctorate in Martial Arts from the
International Martial Arts University,
Los Angeles, CA. In August of 2000,
he received the Lifetime Achievement
Award from the USA Wushu Kungfu
Federation. In September 2001, he
received the “American Outstanding
Lifetime Achievement” Award
from the International Martial Arts
Federation. He is also a certified
International Judge as well as a
Licensed Professional Engineer and
a Certified Oriental Medical Doctor.
In June 2004, he was awarded a Ph.D.
in Oriental Medicine. Dr. Sun is
the recipient of 2 Lifetime Achievement
Awards, from the International Martial
Arts Federation in 2005 and the
Action Martial Arts Magazine in
Wind & Fire Wheels is a seldom
seen double-handed weapon. The rhythm
of the form must be graceful and
based on a sound rooting of the
body. The goal of Wind Fire Wheels
is harmony of body, mind, and weapon
as well as applications. Wind &
Fire Wheels can be used as a special
implement in Martial Arts which
promotes health. They also contribute
to human health and the training
in Chi-Kung. They contribute to
a significant increase of inner
Part I -
FRI, July 21: 11:30am - 12:50pm
Part II -
FRI, July 21: 2:30pm - 3:50pm
July 23: 7:00am - 8:20am
Tel: 610-789-1119
to top |
Yun Xiang Tseng, fondly known as
"Chen", was a child prodigy
in Chinese martial and healing arts.
At age six, he was chosen by his
master Li to learn the ancient Taoist
philosophy, Tai Chi, Qigong and
Healing at Wudang Mountain. After
immigrating to the US in 1990, he
began sharing the ancient teachings
according to his master's wishes.
His mission is to spread the joy
of Taoist living to the Western
world in order to make it a more
peaceful and healthier place to
Wudang Swordplay Part I & II
Wudang is famous for it's swordplay
and taiji as seen in the movie "Crouching
Tiger, Hidden Dragon". Through
this workshop you'll learn Wudang
sword basics unique to this lineage
and learn how to use the sword in
combat from Wudang Master Yun Xiang
Part I -
FRI, July 21: 7:00pm - 8:20pm
- SUN,
July 23: 8:30am - 9:50am
Tel: 970-221-3130
to top |
S. Wang, disciple of the grand master
Chang, Dong Sheng (the Chinese wrestling
king), has forty years of martial
arts experience and has won competitions
in the United States and China,
including three time United States
heavy weight champion in Shuai Chiao
(1982, 1983, 1984). Mr. Wang has
taken the first US Shuai-Chiao teams
to compete in Taiwan (1984) and
Mainland China (1985). He has been
teaching in Austin since 1972 and
serves on the board of directors
for the American Combat Shuai Chiao
Chiao & Taiji Integration
- FRI, July 21: 7:00pm - 8:20pm
By integrating Shuai Chiao
"foot work" and "leg
movements" into your Taiji
training, Your Taiji combat ability
can be enhanced and evolved. Part
I (24 moves) of the 108 move long
Taiji forms will be shown by using
this principle along with detail
& Finish Strategy in Push Hands
FRI, July 21: 8:30pm - 9:50pm
The following Entering Strategies
will be explained:
- Side door entry
- Front door entry
- Enter side door then switch to
front door
- Enter front door then switch to
side door
- Leading arm jams back arm
The following Finish Strategies
will be explained:
- Front cut
- Head lock leg blocking
- Twisting and springing
- Eyebrow mopping
- Leg seizing
Tel: 512-327-3917
to top |
Waters practices both Yang &
Chen styles of Tai Chi. She took
first place in push hands at an
international tournament held in
Taiwan 1990. She promotes tai chi
body mechanics as a practical way
to improve skill. Seeking effortless
alignment is the core to her teaching.
Elaine offers retreats in push hands
and chi king in Trinadad, California,
the spectacular north coast, where
redwoods meet the sea.
Push Hands
- Rooting & Footwork -
FRI, July 21: 7:00pm - 8:20pm
Less is more in Tai Chi Push Hands
when you use less effort and have
more effect. Discover strength within
softness, stability through changing
position, and advantage through
listening. Adapt yourself quickly
to your opponents force through
proper body alignment and footwork.
To know your opponent you must first
know yourself. To hear your opponent
you must first be able to forget
Push Hands for Beginning Women
FRI, July 21: 4:00pm - 5:20pm
Neutralization allows tai chi players
to use the opponents force, rather
than their own effort. Allow your
opponent to loose their own balance
through adhering, listening, and
rooting. Practice develops spontaneity,
fluidity, and adaptability. Develop
reactionary skill and learn basic
push hands pattern: peng, lu ji
Swimming Dragon Chi Kung
- SUN,
July 23: 8:30am - 9:50am
The gentle motion of Swimming Dragon
Chi Kung moves the spine like a
string of pearls, helping to open
the joints. Open the low back, suspend
the top of the head and connect
tan tien to the root. Then your
energy can flow freely, and your
movements can be light and agile.
Swimming Dragon Chi Kung was taught
to Elaine Waters in 1986, by Master
T K Shih.
Tel: 719-486-8907
to top |
J.K. Wong was trained in Kungfu,
Tai Chi, and traditional Chinese
medicine. Master Wong utilizes the
Chinese art of mind and body to
preserve health and happiness through
Tai Chi, Acupuncture, Chinese herbs/nutrition,
and Ancient Chinese Philosophy.
With over 30 years of Martial Arts
experience, he is also a well-known
Tai Chi Master and has conducted
Tai Chi workshops nationally and
internationally. He is the 6th generation
direct lineage of Wu(Hao) Taiji
and is the 3rd generation from Grand
Master Wu Yi Hui of the Liu He Ba
Fa Water Boxing System. He is the
president of the North America Wu(Hao)
Taiji Federation, and founder of
the USA Chin Woo Federation. He
is a licensed Acupuncturist in Texas.
He is the Chief Organizer of the
Taiji Legacy International Martial
Arts Championships held annually
in Dallas, Texas.
Eight Method)
Daoist belief, life is a balance
between the five elements. Every
element is necessary for life, but
the water element is the key to
longevity. The creator of Water
Boxing, Chen Xi Yi, lived on Hua
Shan (Mount Hua) in Shanxi Province
during the tenth century. Water
Boxing is often considered an internal
style and it has combinations of
Tai Chi, Xingyi, and Bagua. It has
two major routines composed of 66
movements. Each movement is a sequence
of 3 to 7 separate techniques, and
it has more than 300 moves in the
routines. It has about 700 techniques
and is often called an encyclopedia
of martial arts. The form creates
a calm sensation from the outside
but abundant and powerful energy
from the inside. The 66 movements
is divided into six sections. Master
J. K. Wong will teach the first
section for this workshop.
Water Boxing Part I - FRI,
July 21: 10:00am - 11:20am
Water Boxing Part II
FRI, July 21: 11:30am - 12:50pm
Wu(Hao) Style Taiji 13 Movement
- FRI, July
21: 1:00pm - 2:20pm
Tel: 972-680-7888
to top |
WU |
Wu began studying Wing Chun in 1966
under Grandmaster Ho Kam Ming, one
of Yip Man's senior disciples. Master
Wu started teaching Wing Chun in
Chicago, IL in 1976. In 1983, he
moved to Cleveland, Ohio and opened
Wu's Wing Chun Kungfu Academy in
1985 to continue his Wing Chun teaching
career. Master Wu also studied Yang
style taiji in addition to being
an actor in a number of kungfu movies.
Practical Wing Chun Techniques -
FRI, July 21: 2:30pm - 3:50pm
of the strengths of Wing Chun is
its flexibility and how a few basic
techniques can be easily used in
a variety of situations. Furthermore,
most of these techniques can be
quickly understood and applied by
the novice. Mater Wu will demonstrate
various simple,
yet extremely effective Wing Chun
moves that can be used by the beginner/intermediate
Wing Chun practitioner to defend
themselves in common aggressive
Advanced Wing Chun Techniques
FRI, July 21: 4:00pm - 5:20pm
Effective Wing Chun depends not
only on good hand technique, but
also on timing, proper footwork,
and coordinated body movement. Without
these, one cannot fully develop
their Wing Chun skills to the highest
level. By combining all of these
skills, one can deliver much more
power than what could be achieved
by good hand technique alone. Master
Wu will discuss and demonstrate
these very often overlooked, but
essential points and how their application
can maximize both offensive and
defensive actions.
Tel: 216-738-1997
to top |
Zhong Xuechao, the 15th generation
of the Wudang Sanfeng sect, he has
studied in the Wudang mountains
since 1991, under the 14th generation
Master Zhoung Yunlong. He has devoted
himself to wudang kungfu and Taoist
religious culture. Bing is trained
in the Wudang kungfu schools of
Eight Diagram (Bagua Pai), Taiji
School (Taiji Pai), Eight Immortal
School (Baxian Pai), Form and Will
School (Xingyi Pai), Eight Extreme
School (Baji Pai), Xuanwu School
(Xuanwu Pai) & Wudang Taoism
Regime. All of these schools consists
of 4 parts: weapons, sparring, internal
energy and healing. Since 1995,
master zhong has been traveling
and putting on kung fu and Taoist
demonstrations around China and
in the world . In 2002, the Association
for Chinese American Enrichment
brought him to the US for the first
time. In January 2003 he was selected
as director of wu dang Wushu Association.
FRI, July 21: 7:00pm - 8:20pm
Wu Chuan is an internal form. The
Martial Art must transmute Jing
to Chi ¨C Chi to Shen ¨C
Combine hard and soft ¨C. The
essence of the internal spirit must
be seen in the movement when it
is soft. When it is hard the practitioner
must explode in a moment. Pay great
attention to the coordination of
hand eye, body and footwork.
- SUN,
July 23: 8:30am - 9:50am
Ba Ji Chuan is one of the supreme
hand styles of Wudang Martial Art.
It is famous for its aggression.
The movement is hard, steady and
flexible. You can attack long range.
It is one of the best loved moves
of the Martial Arts.
Tel: 970-221-3130
to top |